
Some Questions

Prakriti analysis is an Ayurveda's unique way of determining one's body type or psychosomatic constitution which is framed at the time of fertilisation of ovum & sperm during intrauterine life. It is done by using a questionnaire that includes several questions related to one's lifestyle, anthroscopic (physical), physiological and psychological traits.

Ayurveda prescribes various foods and lifestyles according to one's Prakriti and suggests that one should follow these guidelines to prevent various disorders and to promote health. Prakriti test is made to create self awareness for preventive and promotive health care and to adopt healthy dietary habits & life style in the reference of daily regimen (dincharya) and seasonal regimen (ritucharya). You can also know about the disease susceptibility which helps you make the right decisions for better living.

This is a simple questionnaire-based test inquiring about your physical, physiological and psychological traits. You have to tick the most correct and spontaneous response which endure over a long timeframe. You have to be completely honest with your response and mention who you really are, not what you want to be. Based on total numbers of score the Prakriti is analysed.

Prakriti is measured through doshik configurations present in an individual.The dietary articles based on its Rasa (taste), Guna (properties), Veerya (potency), Vipaka ( end metabolism) and Prabhav (effect) have an impact on these doshik biological rhythms. That’s why a suitable diet is recommended to maintain the homeostasis of these Dosha for preservation & promotion of health and prevention and early recovery of disease.

There could be ten presentations of prakriti as under:
 Vataja (dominance of vata dosha)
 Pittaja (dominance of pitta dosha)
 Kaphaja (dominance of kapha dosha)
 Vata-Pittaja (dominance of Vata dosha followed by Pitta dosha)
 Vata-Kaphaja (dominance of Vata dosha followed by Kapha dosha)
 Pitta-Vataja (dominance of Pitta dosha followed by Vata dosha)
 Pitta-Kaphaja (dominance of Pitta dosha followed by Kapha dosha)
 Kapha-Vataja (dominance of Kapha dosha followed by Vata dosha)
 Kapha-Pittaja (dominance of Kapha dosha followed by Pitta dosha)
 Samadoshaja. (all the three doshas are in equilibrium)

No, prakriti never changes. Our Prakriti is our true nature and will never change throughout our entire lifetime.

Prakriti is formed at the time of fertilisation of ovum and sperm during intrauterine life.

Knowing your prakriti, you may follow do’s and don’t related to diet, lifestyle and workout routine prescribed by Ayurveda to maintain equilibrium of doshas - vata, pitta & kapha in order to remain healthy and prevent you from diseases.

Dosha viz vata, pitta and kapha are psycho-biological rhythms regulating the human physiology. They are formed with combination of five basic elements (Panchamahabhuta) i.e. earth(prithvi), water(jala), fire(agni), air( vayu), space(akash). Sharirika dosha are vata pitta kapha and manasika dosha are rajas & tamas.

Dosha’s imbalance make you susceptible to initiate the disease process.

After prakriti analysis one knows his/her prakriti. Accordingly he/she can follow do’s and don’t related to diet, lifestyle and exercise routine to maintain the equilibrium of dosha-vata pitta kapha for prevention of disease and health promotion since its derangement make you susceptible for disease.

The best utility of the prakriti is to select medicines and treatments according to your body type which reduces the trial and error approach of health care system and minimizes adverse drug reactions. This tool helps your physician to make right diagnosis and prognosis and can make a better judgement about a condition. Following of do’s & don’t related to diet & lifestyle will help in smooth changeover towards normalcy as part of therapeutic regimen.

"Dietary & lifestyle recommendations based on Prakriti analysis will certainly help to maintain doshik equilibrium for preventive & promotive health. But if you are suffering from some disease then you must consult to Ayurveda physician in order to cure the disease. But prakriti analysis is again an integral part of Ayurveda consultation. So this will guide your physician to prescribe the appropriate medicine and treatment modality for you. "

Prakriti and dosha have close relationships. Dosha are vitiated during disease pathogenesis. During treatment procedure disintegration of this pathogenesis is made and while selecting the drug the physician has to keep in mind that the drug should not be contrary to the prakriti of the patient.

" Prakriti analysis is based on anthroscopic, physiological and psychological paradigm of each dosha-vata pitta kapha with its special features & characteristics."

If one particular dosha is predominantly high then nomenclature of Prakriti is made on the name of that particular Dosha. That is called ek-doshaja prakriti.

When two dosha are combindly involved in expression of their features and characteristics then nomenclature of prakriti is made as dwandvaja prakriti.

When all three dosha -vata pitta kapha are in balanced state (equilibrium) with their equal score of the features & characteristics then it is called Samdoshaja prakriti.

Prakriti Analysis

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